Vienna - Sunday April 7, 2019

My adventure for Sunday was a bike ride along the Danube. It was a long straight ride. The Danube river here is heavily engineered. It is basically a wide canal, carrying the river past the old part of Vienna. The old river, tamed, winds through Vienna and is called the Danube canal.

The Danube river.

A visual highlight of the ride was the ever-present graffiti art. Vienna suffers somewhat from graffiti "tagging," but it is not as bad as New York in the early 1980s. A tag is a symbol or series of symbols, like a signature. Most of the graffiti art I saw were basically fancy tags. Some were band names. Slayer seems to be popular.

I rode up the Danube until it was time for lunch. I stopped at Langerzendorf, using Google maps to find a restaurant for lunch. This seems to be the main commercial street in Langerzendorf. The pig is excited about the lottery.

More graffiti art.

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Vienna 07 April 2019 / Jonathan Krall / revised May 2019