Critical Mass counter-inauguration Pictures

Here are some pictures from January 20, 2005. Read all about them here.

The purpose of the ride was to protest the inauguration of President G. W. Bush. Since the website said something about bringing signs, I decided to put some signage on my bike. Figuring the terrain would be messy and the ride would be very slow at times, I put knobby tires on my folding bike (the only bike I have with gears), and I was good to go.

There were lots of folks with video cameras, looking for someone authoritative to interview. Critical Mass isn't really about being authoritative, so there was some confusion. I did two interviews, but was very cold and was having trouble saying things like "George Bush talks about moral values, but he unethically mislead America into a war." It probably came out like "Geor Boo talks about mowal falues ...". Whilst losing body heat, I di meet some nice folks who had traveled down form Boston to join protest.

The woman in blue is my friend Katie, with her co-worker Tom. I'm not sure what the camera is pointed at.

Me, looking cold. I was just fine until I stopped riding and joined in with the milling about. After a while, me and Katie and Tom started doing laps around the Christopher Columbus statue in front of Union Station to keep warm.

At the Convergence Center, the organizational headquarters for the J20 protests. Not having quite woken up yet (it was early for me), I asked what J20 was. J20 = January 20 = today. Duh.

The ride ended at Meridian Hill park, aka Malcolm X park, where we had the option of joining the protest march (riding alongside the marchers), or continuing the ride. I continued the ride all the way home.

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Critical Mass Pictures / Jonathan Krall / revised July 2005