Vienna - Friday April 12, 2019 (and Saturday)

Another day, another morning bike ride. I rode over to the Danube canal and back. Later I took in another concert (more culture). On Saturday I revisited some of my favorite places to get a few more photos; those pictures are mixed in with photos from earlier days, so no separate web page for Saturday April 13.

Another view of the danube canal. On the right is the older city (1st district).

The tour guide pointed this building out on Monday. It's an architecturally attractive trash-to-energy incinerator.

Mekons! I had been enjoying concerts, having attended one classical and one jazz concert so far in Vienna. My phone (via Facebook, I think) noticed and directed me to a list of concerts. I was suprised to see that the Mekons were playing in Vienna! Yay! Mekons are a socialist punk rock/roots rock band that never lost the faith. Their mid 1980s albums, Fear and Whiskey, Edge of the World, Mekons Rock n Roll, are highly recommended.

The five people in the photo have been in the band, off an on, since their 1980s heyday. And, yes, one of them is the wonderful Susan Honeyman on violin; her violin contributed to their switch from punk to cowpunk on all those years ago.

Another photo, showing more of the people on stage. "Destroy your safe and happy lives, before it is too late!" The cavern-like rock club was a brick edifice under the subway tracks in a part of town where the subway comes up to the surface and becomes an elevated train.

Antifascist grafitti in the restroom.

This me in the subway after the concert, looking tired. A mirror selfie.

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Vienna 12 April 2019 / Jonathan Krall / revised December 2019